Are you teaching The Four Seasons in music class? This masterpiece by Antonio Vivaldi is a timeless work. It’s memorable, it’s easy to recognize and it’s inspiring. Vivaldi brilliantly paints each symphonic scene using the process of visualization. It tells the listener a story of birds, bees and changing trees. Your students deserve to hear this piece and reflect on its musical imagery. But how do you teach The Four Seasons in music class? Here are 3 resources to get you started!
FREE Four Seasons Listening Reflection
This was one of the first resources I ever uploaded to Teachers Pay Teachers but it’s still a great way to get your students thinking about the music. If your district mandates writing into your music curriculum, this is also a great post-listening assignment! You can download it for FREE here!
FREE The Four Seasons Printable Music Lesson
Are you signed up for my Chamber of Freebies? This free resource is exclusive to those who have signed up! I print this resource as a packet for my fifth grade students and usually use it in conjunction with this website which nicely breaks down each movement into sections with the sonnets that inspired Vivaldi. Here’s how I teach it!
- Distribute packets, pencils and coloring supplies to your students!
- Instruct the students to draw what they imagine as they listen to The Four Seasons
- Read each sonnet to the students before playing the section of the music
- Play the music and supervise students as they draw
- After each movement, students answer a reflection question on page 6 of the packet
Looking to sign-up for the Chamber of Freebies and snag this freebie? Click here!
The Four Seasons Nearpod Lesson for Music Class

Teaching virtually or from a distance? This interactive Nearpod lesson was a lifesaver for me these past few school years! Here’s how it works…
- Open the resource in Google Slides
- Install the Nearpod extension (takes a few seconds to do!)
- Log-in to your Nearpod account
- Save the resource to Nearpod
- Give the code or URL to your students
- Teach this listening lesson in live or student-paced mode!
One of my favorite features about teaching The Four Seasons through Nearpod is that I can share student responses with the class. Students are always excited to see the pictures, collages or responses submitted by their peers. It always inspires interesting discussions about the music.
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